Dave Cohn
EasyLanguage Specialist®
BS Electrical Engineering, MBA, Patent Holder
As a certified EasyLanguage Specialist®1 with 5 years experience answering over 17,000 posts on the EasyLanguage® Support Forum, and now, 7 years experience as CEO of Emerald Trading Technologies, Inc., Dave is thoroughly versed in EasyLanguage® nuances and builds on a strong foundation of listening to the customer, bringing clarity to the issues, and finding solutions to the problems. He asks the questions that help you rigorously define your project and decide if it is possible, affordable, and ultimately, desirable. To see his organizational skills, check out his Master Post on TradeStation®. There are many paths that can be taken when writing code. How the code is written can impact how efficiently your strategy trades. Having been exposed to so many other trader's and developer's code and to finding solutions to their issues, Dave brings a broad perspective to coding and a deep understanding of just how to effectively and quickly code in EasyLanguage® while avoiding non-obvious pitfalls.

1While there are hundreds of EasyLanguage® Developers, there are only about 40 EasyLanguage Specialists.®

EasyLanguage® Apps
Making you a developer

We Code Your Ideas
No charge initial consult

Screen Sharing
Fix your problems "live"
Our Apps can turn YOU into an EasyLanguage® Developer
Multiple Entry/Exit strategies.
Power with Ease of Use
Just insert strategies onto the chart.
No custom development costs.
Our Services
All Things TradeStation®
We provide custom code development, general consulting, and individual or group instruction in TradeStation's® EasyLanguage® with an initial, no-charge consultation (up to one hour with screen sharing session if desired). We offer enhancements to the TradeStation® Platform capabilities through our TradeStation® TradingApp® Store Apps.
Automate YOUR Ideas
Do you want your strategy coded so that you can backtest it or measure performance improvements when it is modified?
Remote Screen Sharing
Do you have a coding issue which is causing you to pull your hair out? We've been there and unfortunately , we still visit from time to time!
TradingApp Store Apps
Our TradingApp® Store Apps extend and enhance the TradeStation platform capabilities. Manipulate your strategies without knowing EasyLanguage® or having access to the underlying code
READ MOREExpert Support
Subscribing to a trading strategy - want to learn how to estimate future performance? Do you want to learn how to separate the wheat from the chaff?
Risk Management
Do you want to learn how to rigorously backtest - BEFORE going live? Learn how to evaluate your strategy without losing money!
Personalized Instruction
Do you want to better understand how slippage can undermine a brilliant strategy? Stated another way - how can I lose money on a zero commision trade when the price went the right direction?
READ MOREFrequently asked questions about TradeStation® and EasyLanguage®
An overview of resources to help you answer your TradeStation and EasyLanguage questions.
- For both manual and automated trading.
- For creating custom indicators and automated trading strategies.
- For more information see
Contact Us
While we are physically located in Sylvania, Ohio, USA, we offer our services all over the world through the phone, Google Meets, Zoom and TeamViewer. Zoom allows us to see each other or we can see your screen to see problems you might have with TradeStation® and EasyLanguage. TeamViewer allows us to remotely share your screen and fix problems on the fly or actively train you on TradeStation®. We can also video record the session and email it to you, so that you can review what your are learning at your leisure.
Secure Payment
We are Verified by PayPal, incorporated in Ohio (#2316432), listed with Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS # 066138134) and celebrating 6 years of being in business. We accept e-checks, debit cards, MasterCard, Visa and Discover through PayPal Invoicing. A PayPal account is not required to use this service, which is free to you, and PayPal keeps your credit data safe and secure. We never see your credit data. We also accept subscriptions, both published and exclusive access, through the TradeStation TradingApp Store..