Dave Cohn
EasyLanguage Specialist®
BS Electrical Engineering,
MBA, Patent Holder
BS Electrical Engineering, MBA, Patent Holder
As a certified EasyLanguage Specialist®1with 5 years experience answering over 17,000 posts on the EasyLanguage® Support Forum, and now, 6 years experience as CEO of Emerald Trading Technologies, Inc., Dave is thoroughly versed in EasyLanguage® nuances and builds on a strong foundation of listening to the customer, bringing clarity to the issues, and finding solutions to the problems. He asks the questions that help you rigorously define your project and decide if it is possible, affordable, and ultimately, desirable. To see his organizational skills, check out his Master Post on TradeStation®. There are many paths that can be taken when writing code. How the code is written can impact how efficiently your strategy trades. Having been exposed to so many other trader's and developer's code and to finding solutions to their issues, Dave brings a broad perspective to coding and a deep understanding of just how to effectively and quickly code in EasyLanguage® while avoiding non-obvious pitfalls.

1While there are hundreds of EasyLanguage® Developers, there are only about 40 EasyLanguage Specialists.®
Why Emerald?
We realize how frustrating and time consuming it can be to have to learn BOTH trading and coding. Stand on the shoulders of others and get to the trading part faster.
Dave is skilled at both teaching and writing code for trading. He wrote his first major computer app as a young college student, before anyone knew what an App was, and he proved that card counting at blackjack is a money-making strategy - BEFORE the MIT Blackjack Team had been heard of. Upon graduation, he nearly went to Vegas - to see how that might have turned out you can watch the 2008, Kevin Spacey movie, "21". Instead, he hired on in the prestigious Edison Engineering program at General Electric and he has been imagining possibilites and writing code ever since.